Facebook contest unfolds what expats learned when moving abroad
Sometimes it takes a long way from Home to get some things set, and learn about oneself and human nature. Moving abroad is not only a dream come true for most expats, but also a transformational process that can change you for life time.

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash
During Heritage Month that is being celebrated on MobileRecharge.com Facebook page, expats touch sensitive topics too. Like the talk started by the Facebook contest that has just ended.Fans of the page and new expat visitors got the chance to share their personal truths about what they’ve learned while moving abroad.
#1 Don’t get lazy, don’t depend on others!
One of the most loyal fans we’ve took up the challenge and left a most honest comment, which we thank him for. What Pankaj talks about is something that may ring a bell to many people moving abroad temporary or ready to stay.
Moving abroad is a ray of light for many, but personal habits come along. If they work to some extend in the native land, they may get a totally different result in the NEW country. Which forces you to adapt… and learn to play a different game.
People may be less tolerant with you, less understanding, or less trustworthy. So, you have yourself to trust. Away from family and friends, you best rely on yourself, since you are now the self-protector. The lesson? Eventually, you learn about your potential while trying to survive and later reach your goals. Who would have thought you can be so strong, so hard working and independent?
I learned a very valuable lesson. I thought it’s not necessary to do hard work. I became too lazy… After I reached the hostel I learned about hardworking and laziness. I realised I should not be lazy and depend on others. So, I started doing hard work and making my way to achieve my goal! (Pankaj)
#2 Give respect, take respect!
Sometimes, it takes a big change like moving abroad to get conscious about certain aspects of life. Like people’s value, ifor example, including yourself. And from there on, there’s minute evolvement. Kris Vila, another fan of MobileRecharge.com, talks about his lesson: respect. The great part about his attitude is the active approach, his progressive thinking, and realistic vision. And actually, there are two lessons he nicely summarises in a line.
I learned to give respect to take respect. (Kris)

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash
#3 Distance is no excuse! Fun with friends & family can exist even when moving abroad!
I learned many things, but the Main thing is fun with friends and family. Your company helped lot to communicate with other’s. Thanks for everything!
#4 Simplify your life by choosing the right tools!
Expats don’t cease to help people back home. Moreover, most of them, may even have better means to do that after moving abroad. Barbara, for example, is from Latin America. And she has been using MobileRecharge.com for top ups of mobiles abroad. Once you understand that help at distance is possible and even easier than being in the same town once you have the right tools at hand, life flows with no hassle.
I am learning how to make my life style more easier with your team!!! (Barbara)
But you don’t even have to be someone moving abroad to use online tools to simplify your life. Kim, for example, the winner of the recent contest on MobileRecharge Facebook page is not an expat. yet, she uses MobileRecharge app and website to send mobile credit to a family in Cuba. She’s not an Expat, she’s a Giver!
I love helping my friends and adopted family in Cuba by recharging their phone and so they can communicate with me all the time! Thanks! (Kim)
#5 Home can be in many places at once!
The MobileRecharge team opened up too, in a short movie about the impact of the new culture and the struggle with homesickness. In the end of the video, the lesson is obvious: “Home is where your heart is, but heart can be in many places at once.”
Before jumping to conclusions…
- Expats on MobileRecharge.com are not only courageous people moving abroad and learning their lessons.
- What all these Expats or no-expats have in common is that they are real Givers! We see this human skill we call “generosity” every day, at work, by following hundreds of thousands of top up transactions on MobileRecharge.com that we grew into loving it so much that in 2016, we launched World Top Up Day.
- In 2017, we’ll celebrate it again, so stay tuned! Save the date, November 10. That’s the day we become Givers ourselves, if you know what we mean…

Photo by Gaetan Boutet on Unsplash