What are expats proud of?
Immigrants worldwide, new or experienced, are not shy. They share their adventures and impressions out loud online. That’s how we found out what are expats proud of. Their own public posts speak volumes. So, we followed the lead #ProudExats to find out more details, and showcase this year’s theme of World Top Up Day, November 10, run for 8 years by MobileRecharge.com. Yeeey!
A second home
The lucky of us have one home. And that’s one reason to be proud of in life. But when you can adapt and find pleasure and peace in a second place, that adds up to the home inventory. :)
What are expats proud of? Also their second home, a new culture, a second layer to their identity. And it’s only the expat minority that can say that.

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook (public)
Their identity as a powerful “skill” and spice abroad
What are expats proud of if not their ethnic identity. Yes, that’s their all, something strong that gives them the resources to contribute, their memories, their past.

Source: Facebook (public)
In a new country all you’ve collected from your motherland becomes more obvious. And more valuable. They become the anchor for whatever new comes around.

Source: Instagram
Traveling while staying true to your motherland hallmark
We found Scratch My Pack Travel on Instagram. As they introduce themselves “from expert travelers to traveling expats, we bring the real, un-sugarcoated, life of travel to you.” And indeed, their pics rock.
For making it
We found John Bartram on Quora. he’s a field archaeologist, and geophysical surveyor, now retired. But his story definitely makes an impressive story that’s most probably more common than what people think. Indeed, many many people you pass by in the street will say that what expats are proud of is that they made it to the new country safe and sound and that they have adapted and made a new decent life. Not to mention the effort and sacrifice behind a successful case.
It’s already a hardship to make it to a foreign country. You need to adapt, find a home and a job, make friends, and prove you’re a great personality. That your knowledge and skills can contribute. But when you go the extra mile and show high competence that’s a wow reason to be a #ProudExpat. Yes, what are expats proud of? Titles, recognition.
#ProudExpats get celebrated on World Top Up Day 2022 – November 10
The day was launched 8 years ago by MobileRecharge.com, an expat service facilitating international load for expats and travelers.
And if you’re one of them please leave a comment below, and share what you are proud of as an expat. Or share your friends’ ideas by answering the question “What are expats proud of?”
See you on November 10 with GIFTS for expats. If you need to stay tuned, subscribe to get the goodies by email.
Meanwhile, PROMOS for your international top-ups back home or while traveling. Or use it to keep your home phone active.

Source: https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/top-up-day/