Famous people who inspire mobile recharge online users
Last November before World Top Up Day, we challenged expats sending mobile recharge online with a bold question. To our surprise, their answers were bolder than expected, that we were sorry we didn’t open the conversation earlier. “✨If you could send $5 top up credit to a famous person, who would you send it to? ✨ Despite the playful question, we found great depth in the answers we got, leading us to create this post that reveals the famous people expats in the MobileRecharge top up community admire most. Please leave any standard behind, because you’ll hear new names, historical names and their number one “My Mother”.
MOMS are #1
It was a huge surprise for the MobileRecharge team to see that MobileRecharge.com’s fans number one choice was: “my mother”.
I always send my top up to my mom. If i have to send the £5 top up to the famous person it would be my Mom cause she means the world to me. (Pradeep Subedi, whose using MobileRecharge.com, Facebook)
To my mommy because she always asking me for some credit… (Shaneec Holmes, customer on MobileRecharge.com, Facebook)
We wrote another article in the past about the impact of moms in our lives. Here are expats’ confessions on life lessons from mom.
On the fame list: the rest of the kin
Votes of expats sending mobile recharge online to their families also go to… their family. Sons, daughters, dads, wives and husbands, sisters and brothers. As if the distance has this potential of helping one see people objectively. Attachment, nostalgia and appreciation go hand in hand and make family members admirable.
There’s a clear explanation. Living close to your family leads to the tendency of taking your kin as a default favor. But once away, the big picture changes and significance too. This also explains the regularity expats using mobile recharge online keep supporting their family more than ever before.
Dean Blackburn, head of ExpatExplorer and an expat himself, talks about the opportunities expat life brings to the distance-split families. No wonder! We see top ups going out to families abroad every 2 minutes on MobileRecharge.com or MobileRecharge app. Plus, that’s why local operators also launch daily promos for expats worldwide, especially Latinos (famous for appreciating their communities and kins), including the big Cubacel promo. By the way, one is soon running again.
Check out the upcoming CUBACEL promo for relatives in Cuba »
Gary Sinise

Source: https://www.moaa.org/content/publications-and-media/news-articles/2019-news-articles/qa-gary-sinise/
Gary Alan Sinise is another complex personality like the rest. Not a just an American actor, and father of 3 kids, but also a visionary: a director, a writer, a musician, a producer and a philanthropist. Wow, right? He’s also an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award winner, one of the stars of the Hollywood Walk of Fame according to Wikipedia.
Gary Sinise ..he does so much for the men and women in the armed forces, i I would want him to use the top up in order for a soldier to speak with his or her family. (J Randolph Harrison, a mobile recharge online fans on Facebook)
Manager? Oh, OK!
Mobile Recharge online users are surprising! :) One of the options of a famous person they’d send mobile recharge online to is… “my manager”. Easy peasy: a close person you admire and learn from becomes famous in the personal world.
BusinessInsider.com went further asking employees what they admired most about their managers. The conclusion: “bosses providing positive reinforcement and cultivating a culture of celebrating their employees motivates workers to produce their best work.”
Greta Thunberg
We could say she’s the person of the year. It’s a phenomenon mobilising mobs. For those still not familiar with the viral character of the last months, Greta Thunberg is a young climate activist from Sweden who made it top headlines with her speech on climate responsibility for doing more than plating trees. Also, her attach against the cheating of the politicians is now her blueprint.
“The Swedish teenager came to fame by staging a regular strike at her school, sparking a global movement that eventually earned her Time magazine’s 2019 Person of the Year award. Last year she told leaders gathered in Davos that they should “panic” about climate change.” (HollywoodReporter)
Greta Thunberg, that girl is amazing! :) (MobileRecharge fan on Facebook)
Boyan Slat and his Ocean Cleanup
An here’s another environmental character, but this time no activist, but a former aerospace engineer and the CEO of The Ocean Cleanup.
Boyan Slat, the Dutch Inventor that designed the System 001, to clean up the plastic of the Pacific Garbage Patch. (Kimberley Bennett, fan on Facebook)
More to read about his deeds on Wikipedia or his website, where we picked up this story from…
Age 18, Boyan devised a concept which utilises the natural oceanic forces to passively catch and concentrate ocean plastic, through which the theoretical cleanup time could be reduced from millennia to mere years. In February 2013 he dropped out of his Aerospace Engineering study at TU Delft to start The Ocean Cleanup.
Bonnie Raitt
Once you get to live in the USA, it’s hard to ignore country music and the touching Bonnie Raitt. And once music gets under your skin it starts to work miracles and a sense of intimacy and admiration setts in. So it comes natural to claim…
I’d send to Bonnie Raitt! Sure would like to have a long conversation with her! (Annette Joseph-Walker, fan on Facebook)
Here’s a piece of her heart…
Bishop Noel Jones
He’s got at least 17,000 followers on set. Noel Jones, the American minister and the Pentecostal bishop, is a senior pastor of the City of Refuge Church in Gardena, California. But his strong speeches and sermons reached the media easily.
If I could send $5 topup credit to a famous person, I would choose Bishop Noel Jones! I have been blessed and drawn closer to God by listening to his sermons!❤ (Sara Dixon, a fan on Facebook)
Wiz Khalifa
Nick Vujicic
Imagine living with no arms and no legs. That’s called tetra-amelia syndrome and is congenital disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. But if you make it to be a famous motivational speaker, then you’re Nick Vujicic from Australia. His books and audio books go worldwide. Just a few tiles to get you inspired as well,
“Nick Vujicic, coz he’s so inspiring!” (fan on Facebook)
And here’s his first conference that amazed everyone.
Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration
Declaration of Independence and the USA. Does it ring a bell? Thanks to our mobile recharge online fans we remembered Thomas Jefferson, the author of this declaration (written in 17 days) and another hyper complex personality. More about his life and work on Biography.com.
He’s mostly know as an American statesman late and the third president of the United States (1801 – 1809). But did you know that besides being a diplomat, he was also a lawyer, architect and philosopher? A real culture figure of his time.
Thomas Jefferson !! What it felt like writing the Declaration of Independence? How awesome!! (Raul Valles on MobileRecharge Facebook page)
The unique Michael Jackson & Jon Bon Jovi
Here are 2 main trend setters and huge artists of the century. One engaged and making history in pop music, while changing all standards of the time, the other rocking… in the rock arena. Piles of articles have been written about them, and many movies featured them, so what else could we add? Yet, did you know they got together at some point in time? Yep!
James Earl Jones, the wow Darth Vader voice
An unmistakable voice noticed by media, and expats too. :) James Earl Jones is an actor widely admired for not only for his voice, but his acting and long career during seven decades.
James Earl Jones. I would want him to call me and just describe my life in his voice! (Vernita Gundy on MobileRecharge Facebook page)
Shawn Mendes
Present on all music platforms, he’s one of the favorite entertainers of expats who make mobile recharge online and MobileRecharge fans. We’re talking about Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, the Canadian singer, songwriter and model. Conclusion: what music drives in us is vital.
Anthony Bourdain
Moving to the territory of international culture, cuisine, and the human condition, we meet one of our expats’ favorite famous person: Anthony Bourdain. No longer among us, he was an American celebrity chef, author, and travel documentarian.
Onyeka N., the entertainer?
Onyeka Nwelue most probably, the Nigerian cultural entrepreneur, filmmaker, professor and author . He’s well known for his novel The Abyssinian Boy, published when he was only 21. This book brought him the TM Aluko Prize for Fiction. Plus , he was nominated for Africa Movie Academy Award for Best First Feature Film by a Director.
His FB page entertains and makes a lot of people happy. (Chika Amadikwa , mobile recharge online fan on Facebook)
Martin Luther King Jr.
Why would a mobile recharge online fan recharge Martin Luther King Jr. $5 if he were alive?
“So he could . . . help us fix this nation! (Kim Howe on Facebook)
QUEEN Nefertiti
How come? As Elizabeth, one of our mobile recharge online fans would put it, “QUEEN Nefertiti . . . could confirm if Egyptians are Black African or Modern day Egyptians.”
Do we need some background here? Nefertiti, that stands for “a beautiful woman has come,” was the queen of Egypt during the 14th century B.C. “She and her husband established the cult of Aten, the sun god, and promoted Egyptian artwork that was radically different from its predecessors.” (Biography.com)
One thing is clear. The diversity in MobileRecharge.com community is totally reflected in this list of fame. Yet, the most unexpected and touchy was to find out that Moms and relatives are top of the list for most of the respondents in the World Top Up 2019 challenge. Nice to know, it feels even more rewarding to know our expat platform and MobileRecharge app support your long-distance relationship and admiration. Cool! We’re here for any help…