Finally getting to know the family in Cuba. Miranda’s unbelievable story.

Miranda in Cuba
Having a family in Cuba you’ve known since childhood is one thing. But having a family in Cuba you only got to meet as an adult is another. That’s Miranda’s story… Her home is Cuba, although she was born in the United States. Her mom was a Cuban expat in USA, and Miranda grew up without knowing her family in Cuba “until my mom passed away 3 years ago and I have visited Cuba to meet my family.” She’s now helping her cousins back in Cuba via and that’s how we e-met. She’s 57 now and working as a mailroom clerk in New York, her hometown.
The story of Cuban Americans is larger than the tip of the iceberg we all know from media. That is… Gloria Estefan, Desi Arnaz, Cesar Romero, Rosario Dawson, Cameron Diaz, Marco Rubio, Jeff Bezos, Eva Mendes, Pitbull, Andy Garcia, Gilbert Arenas, and Ted Cruz. For us at, our Cuban American new friends and old fans are as famous as these public personalities. And that’s where our focus is today. We watch them sending mobile top ups to Cuba to support or surprise their families. They are the generous expats or Cuban fans who make the best of all the Cubacel promos in silence.
It has always been there in the name…
Cuba has always been there in Miranda’s name. And Wikipedia knows it too. The name Miranda has a Latin origin, meaning “worthy of admiration”.
OK, you’ll say “but there are soooo many girls in the USA named Miranda.” And indeed, records indicate that 103,048 girls in the United States have been named Miranda since 1880. True, but Miranda’s origin is Spanish… and immigration has a lot to do with it. In the end we’re all descendants of immigrants.
Distance is relative. Job imprint & destiny.
Miranda is a well organized, communicative and responsible lady. How do we know it? Well, imagine Miranda’s personality starting from her mailroom position! Ironical or not, when you are a mailroom clerk like her, distance is a relative term, if we can afford some morning philosophy here… Distance is a keyword in her family culture, destiny too.

Photo by Liam Truong on
So, what does a mailroom clerk do, in case you wonder just like we do… Well, we picture Miranda handling incoming mail and even outgoing packages, distributing mail, operating within an internal system (some sort of database), sorting mail by hand too. She’s most probably communicative and social, since she meets people on daily basis. Oh, and a very structured and organised mind, labelling, keeping deadlines strict, managing the inventory of supplies, arranging pick up from the post office, etc. A lot of responsibility that assures essential business communication.
Specialists say that a mailroom clerk has great customer service skills to succeed in this profession. As well as a very good sense to prioritise tasks. We can only guess Miranda has that too.
What we needed to say is that the job we have says a lot about us, about our human nature… And only a limited vision can under-evaluate a job.
Visiting her Cuban home as an adult and understanding the facets of freedom

Miranda and her family in Cuba
How could Miranda not be proud of having a Latino spirit and an American heart at the same time? She’s one of the US citizens that can say she’s a Cuban American, part of a huge community of cubanoestadounidenses. Meaning, the third largest Hispanic American group in the USA according to Wikipedia.
Her mom a Cuban, Miranda traces her ancestry in Cuba. First generation born in the USA, she’s the proof of her family’s American dream. And when we asked her what she appreciates most about her life in the USA, that’s exactly what she told us: FREEDOM.
If the value of freedom is a result of her visit in Cuba, or a side effect of her education, we don’t know. We can only guess…
Many communities throughout the United States have significant Cuban American populations.[5] Florida (1.53 million in 2017) has the highest concentration of Cuban Americans in the U.S.,[6][7] standing out in part because of its proximity to Cuba, followed by California (110,702), New Jersey (99,987), Texas (86,183) and New York (78,478). (Wikipedia)
The culture she never knew before…

Our Cuban American fan, Miranda, in Cuba
The culture I never knew… (Miranda in an interview for
Helping her family in Cuba during the pandemic

Photo by Flo P on
After her mom passed away, a whole new world open up to Miranda. She learned she had a family back in Cuba, so roots started to call her there. She met her cousins and finally got a chance to experience her hidden identity, feel the Cuban blood running through her veins. And get to know she culture that was part of her family’s history all this time. In return she got a new family that she started to support…
During the pandemic, was a blessing, because she could help from the distance. Fast and with no head aches.
Now I help as much as I can. Even during this pandemic. (Miranda, in an interview for
World Top Up Day…
By since 2015…
That’s the day we celebrate the givers, including Miranda. The whole community of top uppers who help friends and relatives in silence, day by day. Thus November 10 became the day when they are famous. And this article’s purpose is to get generous and beautiful people out of anonymity.
Of course, World Top Up Day 2020 will not only be dedicated to expats, but also to their relatives and friends.