Why MobileRecharge app is great when traveling or moving to a foreign country?

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Moving to another country is life-changing in almost all aspects. But of course, the toughest ones can turn into easy tasks if you have the right mindset or tools to diminish the negative impact. What do we mean? Take for example culture shock. If you’ve done your homework (research or prior visiting) is totally different from just packing and landing on a distant planet you know nothing about. “Planet” because it’s totally normal then to feel like an alien.

In the same way, having the MobileRecharge app makes it easy to support your folks. Our duty here is to give you more details on how to transfer data and call credit using MobileRecharge.com or the MobileRecharge app, which is free to install.

MobileRecharge is a useful app for both expats and travelers in several ways

expat in front of his laptop

1. The app allows you to recharge your prepaid mobile phone in less than 1 minute. It’s super easy, no matter where you are in the world, as long as you have access to a Wi-Fi network. This is particularly useful for travelers who may not have access to local recharge options or may not be familiar with the local recharge process. Imagine you walked out of the plane, and right in the airport, you can get local credit from the app by simply using a cafe’s WiFi network. Easy-peasy!

2. International top-ups turned magically simple. The app allows you to send mobile credit to friends and family members in other countries, which can be a useful feature for expats who want to stay connected and support their loved ones back home.

3. Keep your old phone number running from a distance. Say you now live in the USA and still have your old phone number active in Mexico for the times you visit. You can easily top up when in the USA to keep it active. See more details about this topic in this article.

4. Multiple payment options. The app supports multiple payment options, like credit/debit cards and PayPal. Which can be useful for travelers who may not have access to local payment methods.

5. Discounts and promotions. MobileRecharge often offers discounts and promotions for mobile recharge and international top-ups, which can be a useful way for travelers and expats to save money on their mobile expenses. There are daily bonuses for international recharges or self-service top-up.

6. User-friendly interface. The best thing about the app is that it’s perfected by people who used it when moving to other countries or traveling (their feedback). So, it’s popular for its user-friendly interface which makes it easy to navigate. The language is universal, familiar and on point, making it simple for expats and travelers to use if they are not familiar with the local language or mobile system.

Overall, MobileRecharge can be a helpful tool for expats and travelers looking to stay connected while on the go.

Who exactly can benefit?

When you’re moving to a far away country, you leave some family members or friends behind. The remorse of not being close can be overwhelming. But there are ways to take care of them from the distance with all the online options out there. When it comes to the MobileRecharge app as one of these resources, student relatives, expat older relatives are among the lucky ones.

In a time like the pandemic, MobileRecharge was useful also for other categories besides those who move abroad. Italians in Italy for example have used it extensively to get credit for themselves and their relatives using other operators without having to go out, or without having to open several websites. It was done on one platform alone.

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review MobileRecharge