Photo by Kelsey Knight on Unsplash

Who would have thought that Independence Day in the USA (got the rhyme?) is a big kick at the can for people and businesses who want to push the limits? And we’re not only thinking about our dear expat friends in the community, pushing their personal limits by upcycling their own lives. :) You wont’t believe what world records took place on the 4th of July! And there’s no coincidence here… Independence Day itself was from the get go a starter for achieving new limits. Freedom included.

Time & space have other limits than we think

Let’s take a tour through what we found as the most remarkable and original world records set on the 4th of July. You’ll see. There’s no limit. From athletic ambitions late in life, to the largest pizza delivery ever and most ambitious cinematic revival project, people found unexpected inspiration on 4th of July.

#1 Largest hot dog cart

Imagine the largest hot dog cart you’ve seen! A colossal 3.72 m (12 ft 2.75 in) in height, 2.81 m (9 ft 3 in) in width, and 7.06 m (23 ft 2 in) in length. You may ask why… Good point! :) We thought the same. Maybe because someone just imagined what a huge hot dog cart could look like and scaled it according to his imagination. Just like painting and poetry can alter reality and prove creativity and hope for new perspectives, the same way a world record of the type can challenge imagination and reality. We like the game.

The largest hot dog cart ever was the creation of Marcus Daily from Washington, Missouri. Google still keeps him a bit anonymous after the event which made history. But most probably he’s still using the cart kitchen…

#2 Largest USA flag flown by a vehicle

On the 4th of July, 2017 a Ford initiative stroke the world of records. It happened in Florida, and the purpose was to defeat the previous Chevrolet record. A Ford truck vehicle flown a huge USA flag of 383.18 sq meters around the 1.5 mile Homestead-Miami Speedway. The flag never touched the ground thanks to a team of 20. Wow, right! 

#3 Largest pizza delivery

Joint efforts and a big project called Pizzas 4 Patriots! The challenge was due on the 4th of July, 2012. But the pizza delivery started on June 21. Why? Imagine they planned to send the 30,000 pizzas made by  Great Kitchens, Inc. in Illinois to the US Armed Forces camped on Kandahar Airfield, Bagram Airbase and Camp Bastion in Afghanistan. A pizza had 12-inch and the huge delivery in history was supported by DHL Express.

The motivation of the Pizzas 4 Patriots action was offer USA soldiers and superiors “a slice of home” on the 4th of July.

#4 Oldest female to finish a marathon on each continent

On the 4th of July 2004, Margaret Hagerty hit the Guinness button at 81. Yes, you heard it well! Many said she made up for all the lost time, proving it‘s never too late. You get the point… She managed to finish a marathon on all  the seven continents. Despite appearances, she was not a life-time sportswoman, since she ran her first marathon at 66. You’ve got our respect, Mrs. Margaret Hagerty!

In 2014, at 91, the American lady was still running…

#5 First black and white film converted to color

That’s not something you see on TV…  A film released as black-and-white, that gets a color treatment after: Yankee Doodle Dandy, a featured film from 1942 that got computer-applied color in the MGM Studios, that re-released the movie on the 4th of July.

#6 Largest brick ever

A clay brick 3,000 times larger than the average brick. Not a bad idea at all… It seems that ACME Brick tried to simulate the Egyptian trends of big blocks of rock. :) Who knows! The brick that the business in Denton (Texas) built was 2.94 m (9 ft 8 in) long and 0.99 m (3 ft 3 in) tall and wide, made of clay. We wonder if any wonder-boy would dare to break it by hand.

Which reminds us of the… Fastest delivered gifts from a company to their customers

These world records reminded us of a World record of our own… Time to share it. As you may know, MobileRecharge team cooked World Top Up Day in November for casual givers and expats who send mobile credit to relatives, to support and encourage their talkative style. :) It was the first time in history when a company sent 100 surprise mobile top ups for free to their loyal customers in only 22 seconds.