Expat tales: the heartwarming moments of World Top-Up Day
From Expat to Extraordinary! This is how we would sum up the history of World Top-up Day and the expat heroes in the MobileRecharge.com global community. The talk about expat generosity took off in 2015 when we brought to the public attention the generosity of immigrants worldwide towards families back home, in their origin countries. It was then that we kicked off World Top-Up Day to honor the incredible kindness of our expat global community. Since then, we’ve dived into the expat experience, unearthing heartwarming qualities that inspire us all. 🌎✨
Every top-up tells a story, and World Top-Up Day tells millions
Behind every mobile recharge transaction, there is a relationship. A long-distance relationship, usually. Statistics show that expats top up their family’s phones once or twice per month on average. Constantly! This way supporting their local and international communication and taking the burden of telecom costs off their shoulders. Small gestures that pass by unheard and unseen by people who have no connection to such expat stories, and expats in general.
In previous years, MobileRecharge.com dropped the processing fees to make such recharges more accessible. Which it did! Because the foreign community squeezed the lemon while still fresh for their family’s sake! What did the senders gain? Well, they saved on their top-up gifts, which was the whole point. Help awarded help.
Since 2015, World Top-up Day has honored expats and their generosity, with a focus on different inspiring qualities.
There are so many stories that expats share every day. Behind top-up statistics MobileRecharge team witness every day, there are real life stories. Like these 2, for example. Generous people in anonymous settings. No more anonymous with World Top-Up Day spotlight. Legends of generosity: expat stories that define World Top-Up Day.
Meet Miranda and Obed!
The generosity of expatriates showcased
In 2015, the altruism of expatriates was revealed through a NEW EVENT: World Top-up Day, powered by MobileRecharge.com
When World Top-up Day was launched, it seemed a shy event, but in time it grew until the global community took it seriously.

Source: https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/top-up-day/
MobileRecharge team could see expats’ daily gesture of support for their families away, and it made it impossible not to give credit to expats as constant givers, generous souls. So, here we go. We all needed to acknowledge expats’ contribution to uplift the standard of living of their families by sharing their resources. Unconditionally! What an amazing human gesture.
Another triggering factor that made us set up World Top-Up Day was the general association of Generosity with Charity. Come on… What about family support?
On November 10 we named ”Heroes” all those kind people who send regular mobile top ups to their family members and friends abroad. For us, their kindness and care is worth a day to celebrate.We did our best to draw attention upon Long-distance Giving as a form of Generosity few people mention otherwise. (MobileRecharge team)
Mass pandemic support: expats help challenged communities
In 2020 MobileRecharge, World Top-up Day’s mom-and-dad launched an invite for November 10, in collaboration with Kiva, which was previously a partner in “generosity crime” in 2019 as well. But 2020 was a different deal.
How cool is it to help a local business in a poor country with zero effort on your side?
What happened was that by simply performing their routine mobile top-ups, expats in the global MobileRecharge.com community automatically allocated a portion of the transaction to support businesses in need. In a matter of seconds, a regular top-up for a family member divided its value between covering the top-up expenses and assisting struggling entrepreneurs, like a fish seller in Haiti or a group of women managing a small tapa business in Tonga. The impact of these contributions was visible and expats became Kiva supporter in this initiative easily.
More pics and details of what happened then… in this article.
Expat influencers open up about their struggles
scratch_my_pack_travel couple and Rakesh Rawal talk about the expat experience, how they got from expat to extraordinary as influencers.
Expats talk about what makes them proud
Whether chicken kabsa, or a peg wall, being a nurse abroad or having two homes… expats’ lives are spiced up with diverse things that make them proud. We wrapped it up for you here.
Expats serve the community in mysterious ways
Five years ago, World Top-Up Day was centered on expat jobs, going beyond mere statistics. The primary focus was to highlight the impact of expats within the community. A video briefly captured this essence. It emphasized that expats were more than just ’employees’; they were everyday heroes contributing value. Like all of us! This perspective remains valid when one reflects on it.