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Easter Promotion helps you save big on Cubacel top ups from abroad
/in News, OffersThere are over 1,500,000 Cubans outside their motherland as of 2015, according to the International Organisation for Migration. In other words, 11.13% of all citizens of Cuba live outside their native country. The current Easter Promotion on addresses this courageous and warm-hearted category that spiced up the American culture with their presence. What does this Easter promotion bring NEW? Some good news […]
How to get a free top up for your family this Easter, the simplest way possible
/in News, OffersWe bet you’re one of those people buying mobile credit online for you, to save time, or for your relatives or friends abroad, to support them. Guess what? This Easter, the planetary activity astrologists are talking about these days is already intensifying reality. So, this Easter, when a gift pops up, don’t say no or maybe, just take […]
How to send mobile credit using MobileRecharge top up app for Apple devices
/0 Comments/in News, TutorialsThere were 1 billion Apple devices in the world even before iPhone 7 was launched, according to a report by Apple from January 26, 2016. The year before, Tim Cook revealed at the Apple Watch conference in March, that Apple had sold a total of 700 million iPhones. When you have so many iOS users and Apple devices […]
How to load a mobile phone using MobileRecharge top up app for Android
/in News, TutorialsDo you have any idea how many Android active devices are there in the world? 1.4 billion according to Google. That’s what the reps from Google said during a Google Nexus press event on September 29, 2015. The same year, OpenSignal announced 24,000 unique Android devices on the market. Wow, right! When you have so many mouths to feed, we […]
Join the guessing game for Saint Patrick’s Day & get a lucky top up for FREE!
/in News, OffersBetween March 14-16, expats are welcome to join the lucky contest in the Facebook community hosted by our team, Especially if you’re not Irish, you’ll say out loud Why before you settle on a What & How. We’re one step ahead though. Oh, and if you’re an Irish expat thinking back home, you are on our side by […]
Let’s talk PROMOTIONS, top up promotions in March…
/in News, OffersOne of the best ways for expats to save on their gifts home or regular expenses for their families and friends back home is to hunt promotions. Take it easy, don’t hunt them down. But be more vigilant… We’re making it easier for you this month to get the top up promotions in your news feed. Here […]
How to top up a mobile overseas with MobileRecharge app for Android
/in NewsEvery 0.82 seconds someone is looking for an Android device, or an Android tutorial, software, or app for Android on the Internet. This is what Google search results show this March. Globally, there are 1.4 billion Android users (, and 12,000 of them are friends, most of them expats. Just for the record, in the […]
How to send credit to your parents’ mobiles from abroad
/in News, TutorialsNASA has discovered 7 Earth-like planets orbiting a star 40 light-years away. Before you decide if you’re ready to pack and go to spend your retirement there, you may still need to be helpful around. In case you live abroad, not light years away, but kilometres away from your motherland and family, you probably know […]
Best Cubacel Offer in town for all 1,4 million Cubans abroad
/in News, OffersIn 2015, more than 11% of the Cuban citizens lived outside their motherland according to the UN Migration Agency. That is 1,426,271 of Cuban expats spread across the globe, especially in the USA, Canada, UK and Germany. What’s loveable about Cubans is that they never cut off the umbilical cord with mother Cuba. They continue to […]
Valentine’s Day? Let’s have a FUN CONTEST this year!
/in NewsWe experienced 3 centuries of hearts, red roses and Cupid on Valentine’s Day… Did you get tired? Don’t you feel sometimes, it’s time to move on into Present and make Valentine’s Day wear more modern clothes? Let’s “upcycle” this holiday! Maybe make it more fun, more personal, more creative and troll-like, just like the times we live. We […]