
7 must-know facts about the latest Cubacel promotion in May for Cubans and their families

Learn all about the recent Cubacel promotion in May: bonus types, duration, extra options and conditions, tricks on how to send the most.

Cubacel promo in April

11 reasons why the Cubacel promo in May is the jackpot for Cubans abroad

This Cubacel promo in May is amazing. It gets one up to 2GB of data, plus bonus international calls, local calls in Cuba, SMS, 50% discount on international calls, extended validity, Cubacel balance transfer and more.

Cubacel promocion in March 2021

What does the next “Cubacel promocion” bring besides 2 GB bonus and 1600 free CUP

The “Cubacel promocion” as Cubans abroad call the Cubacel monthly bonus hits again with free data and up to 1600 free CUP. And more…

Apps for Cubans abroad

7 really helpful apps for Cubans living abroad

There are helpful apps for Cubans abroad that may make life easier in these pandemic times. Like Domestika, Duolingo, ExpatBuddy, MobileRecharge and TuneInRadio.

Cuban decor

Cuban decor ideas for your foreign apartment if you’re nostalgic

The Cuban decor is a philosophy and a reflection of history and daily habits. It says a lot about you, and it puts you into a lively mood. Besides Cubacel promo coming up for the Cuban diaspora, the Cuban decor is our focus this week.

Netflix Cuba movies

Best Netflix Cuba movies that tell the truth in a great way

Netflix Cuba movies became popular in the last few years, so we’ll have a tour through the watchlist before the next Cubacel promo for Cubans abroad.

Cuban expat

Proud to be Cuban: 6 reasons why it makes total sense

Proud be Cuban T-shirt messages are out for a reason, or 6. Explore some with us.

What countries do people in the Cuban diaspora admire most?

Wondering where your fellows in the Cuban diaspora live? What country they picked and why? We did too. So, we made some research and thanks to the World Migration Map compiled top 5 countries they pick to move to. It’s also interesting to learn why these countries, because the law of proximity does not apply to […]