5 viral DAD videos that make us think back on our childhood

Here are 5 viral dad movies that show us all how present dads impact the life of their kids and how much education has changed for the better.

6 things hard to get in Cuba, we could also live without

Many pity Cubans for stuff they are missing in Cuba, while Cubans abroad pity the rest of the world for stuff they lost control over. Here’s what’s missing in Cuba, but makes Cubans a favor somehow.

7 Epic immigration stories that reveal expats’ ups and downs

Where is home? How to adapt? Caught between countries, expats worldwide and their descendants experience strange and powerful feelings before, during and after immigration. Here are some video stories to tell you more.

10+ Photos of Cuba that show the diverse Cuban spirit

Cuban diverse spirit is best visible in the portraits of Cuban people, rather than the poor news. So, we’re running a visual campaign for Cuban expats missing home, Cuba fans and all the curious interested in Cuba.

What do mothers want for Mother’s Day?

We expect a lot from moms as if they’re heroes, but when it comes to getting them something for Mother’s Day, we’re lost. Learn what they really want.

10 things people are curious to know about Cubans

What questions people ask on Google about Cubans. On the verge of the Cubacel PROMO next week, we took some time to make a list. You’ll be amazed!

What online Easter gift to choose for your far-away folks

You need to pick an online Easter gift for your family or friends who live abroad. We’ve got you covered this time! Start with 5% OFF for a mobile top up.

What’s in for you & your folks in Cuba during “proxima oferta de Etecsa”?

Those looking for “la proxima oferta de Etecsa” are lucky to know in advance all the details of the campaign running between April 15-20, 2019.

How to send credit to Ghana from UK using a simple app

Are you part of the Ghanaian community in UK? Because we have some tips for you on how to support people back home and inevitably a joke you’ll relate you immediately.