77% of people who added reviews about MobileRecharge.com gave it 5 stars

To star or not to star, this is the question! Nowadays, stars are not only the object of focus for dreamers and astrologists, but also the measuring unit for trust and quality when it comes to online services. Sounds familiar, right?

Stars and comments go hand in hand on review platforms and help users and customers swim freely and share their personal and real impressions within a sea of marketing encouragements.

Screen Shot 2015-09-09 at 17.25.53On Trustpilot.com for example, one of the most popular review platform, there are as many as 365 star reviews about MobileRecharge.com. Besides the 5 star majority, there are 14% of 4 star reviews and 5% of less than 4 stars, all addressing issues that found their technical solution in minutes or few hours, whether they depended on the MobileRecharge support or other factors.

“Useful” is when our needs are met!

Remember that moment when you needed something and couldn’t find it, and the next moment just felt like inventing it yourself? What is a service if it lacks usefulness? If you take a look on the reviews about MobileRecharge.com, you will see what people understand by “useful”and that it varies, but the idea is 100% the same. Something is useful if it does what it says it does, and it’s exactly what you need.   Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 18.08.35

MobileRecharge.com is no haute couture fairy, it’s a modest, friendly and experienced modern fairy. :) For example, among the top up reviews about MobileRecharge.com, there is Gerard’s who has an Android app which works fine on its Android phone. Perfect example of matching need-offer! If it just were so easy with people too!… :) 


“Flexible” as I am

Now, here are some points to the way the website or app works, and the tricks or features that helps customize the ordering process. For example, you can save payment details and it’s 100% protected and safe. Or add name next to the number for regular top ups.

Flexible stands also for 24/7 support in multiple languages, and their friendly personalities that drive compliments and friendly talks, beside the call-in question. Oh, and info is editable.

“Rapido” is “Fast” in MobileRecharge translation

That’s top of the list actually. Reviews about MobileRecharge.com on TrustPilot.com and ResellerRatings point out that fast is almost “instant” and that’s what they expect from online transactions. That’s why people avoid standing in the queues, taking the bus to the market and so on. To save time!

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“Easy” keeps it fun!

Those reviews about MobileRecharge.com that mention “easy” refer to the easy steps to take. No rocket science, no philosophy. You can top up in a minute while you sunbathe, cook, run after your naughty dog, clean around the living room, sip your coffee or massage grandma, but NOT WHEN YOU DRIVE.

“Trustworthy” or “Confiable”

A service wins our trust in time. MobileRecharge.com couldn’t wait, so it became certified for its security system. Check the label “Verified & Certified” down the homepage.
