What’s in for you this Heritage Month on Facebook no matter your ethnic origin
Did you ever wonder why is Heritage Month so popular with Latinos? Is it because they are really good at partying? Truth is, they talk more easily about their tradition and roots. And they are obviously proud of their Motherland, language, habits, humour, etc. Shouldn’t we all be that way, because we have all resources on our side?
So, MobileRecharge team starts the Big Heritage Celebration for all ethnic groups, not only Latinos. We invite you all to spend this Heritage Month together on Facebook, no matter your origin.
Heritage Month on MobileRecharge.com Facebook page will be about ethnic revival. Whether you are a Vietnamese, a Jamaican, a Nigerian, a Nepalese or else, you are invited to share your home food, music, old rituals on camera or any footage with season traditions. Or, just some pics from your early family life.
Why we deserve to celebrate our Heritage
Think about it! Our early life is marked by traditions in our communities. They become meaningful and stay with us a lifetime. They express our early values and build our root identity and part of our personal story.
Of course, we can change that, erase all that heritage and take it from the beginning. But it would take a hardcore amnesia to delete our memories and early emotions.
So, here is what’s in store for you on MobileRecharge.com Facebook page this month. :)
#1 Expats make confessions
This month, expats share videos with you. If you follow us on Facebook, you’ll meet other MobileRecharge fellows. They’ll skip personal introduction and get to the gist of their expat experience.
They’ll answer the question: What do you miss about home. You’ll see we have in common more than we think we do, despite the ethnic or born-place differences. We all miss mom’s food, the hometown gatherings and the local music. Then there’s a frequent weather nostalgia among expats, not to mention the local landscape as the homesickness trigger.
#2 Food, dancing, music, crafts
This month we’ll look at traditions taking into account that individual stories would not be possible without the interaction of each person with his or her mother community. We’ll praise the beautiful differences of each ethnic group. Whether it’s food from India or Jamaica, or music from Nicaragua and Haiti, we’ll honour the world map of human creativity and expression that exists in each culture.
Food, music, dancing, crafts and rituals are what our grandparents used to express their personal and local identity. Local history and the landscapes, as well as local resources had a great influence on that. Let’s remember them and pass them over.
What would you share with other expats from other ethnic groups?
#3 CONTEST for a FREE Mobile Recharge
On September 27, you’re welcome to enter the Homesickness Day contest on MobileRecharge Facebook community. All you have to do is leave a comment. Share what you’re missing about Home. MobileRecharge team will randomly pick someone as a winner. He or she will receive a free mobile recharge with MobileRecharge.com.
Save the date: September 27, 2016

#4 Community sharing
What’s loveable about the mixed community on MobileRecharge.com Facebook page is that we have different ethnic origin, social background and current status, and yet we are all top up givers. By the way, that’s what we’re celebrating on November 10 each year. It’s like a virtual cosmopolitan capital city, just a click away. :)
#5 Daily offers
As usually, Bonuses will run free for top ups to Central America, South America, Africa and the Caribbean. A Cuban promotion will be soon open for Cuban expats. For those who want to recharge Nicaragua, or make top ups to mobiles in El Salvador, Jamaica, Niger, Senegal and countries in the Caribbean, our message is clear: Stay tuned!
You can get notifications if you are a Facebook fan of the MobleRecharge community. Or, you can check the Promotions page on the website each time you need to send airtime to your relative’s mobiles.

Take away
This month on Facebook, we all celebrate Heritage Month, no matter our ethnic origin. We will praise our differences as priceless inherited jewellery.
You’ll get to watch expats sharing secrets of their hearts, and win a FREE recharge if you join the Homesickness Day contest on September 27.