MobileRecharge celebrates Dia del Corazon Latino for the first time in history

Can you imagine a world without Latin spirit, without their passion and love for life, music, food, good vibes and strong family principles? Neither could we! That’s why we want to celebrate every heart that beats in a Latin rhythm in a special day that meets all the spicy requirements.   Honor & family…  come […]

MobileRecharge app for Spanish speakers now ready for iOS and Android devices

Most apps on the Android and iOS market are in English, which makes them accessible for many people around the world who use a smartphone. Yet, for those interested to use an app in their native language, the app market is highly limited. The good news is that more and more app providers have started to […]

How to help your parents save time & money by sending them mobile credit online

  It’s natural somehow! Unless we’re older or far away, we don’t grasp the real connection we have with our parents, and their value in our personal history. What they really mean and what they’ve done to us… and that’s in a good way.  There’s a time when distance changes perspective. And support from a grown-up daughter […]

How to recharge a mobile faster than the sound. Almost kidding!

Whether they like it or not, people hurry. We can see people rushing in the metro station, on the streets and also online. So, how to recharge a mobile in few seconds? Here are some tips to make top ups abroad on go through as fast as the sound. Ok, maybe not that fast, but […]

77% of people who added reviews about gave it 5 stars

To star or not to star, this is the question! Nowadays, stars are not only the object of focus for dreamers and astrologists, but also the measuring unit for trust and quality when it comes to online services. Sounds familiar, right? Stars and comments go hand in hand on review platforms and help users and […]

5 things Cuban expats do to show their folks in Cuba they care

According to there were over 1 billion Cuban expats worldwide. Some managed to bring their families along, but most of them still struggle to reunite or settled with the situation that long-distance relationship is like any other relationship. How can they keep in touch and prove they care despite the distance? Far away from […]

4 Top Up offers to improve your family relationships

Ever wondered how you can improve the relationship with your family back home in your native country? Top up offers are a good way for at least one reason: you show you care. So, here are 6 promotions to help you support your family or send a gift by making a top up to a […]

How to send free credit as Bonus to a Telcel mobile in Mexico

  A Mexican abroad. Is that you? :) Oh, great! Because we’ve got some good news and some more good news for you and your friends or family back home. You can send mobile credit to mobiles in Mexico.   And add up to 700% free extra credit when you refill a Telcel mobile in Mexico. […]

11 things only an expat will understand

What makes an expat’s experience unique? Top of our heads, here are at 11 things that keep coming and coming to make the ; 11 situations that are specific to an expat’s life. They are side effects of moving to another country and making the shift to another culture, trying to adapt and to cope with oneself and […]

Hooray! Best promotion ever for international Cubacel top ups!

Cuban friends, have you heard the news? This month Doble Bono has been replaced by a new promotion. It’s much better than the Doble Bono for at least one reason: for values of $15, the person in Cuba receives 40CUC, which is much much more than doble, right? 2 players & a great game! Bonus: […]