7 Most Generous Promotions in April for Mobile Top Ups Abroad

When you are an expat getting ready to send mobile credit to your relatives or friends back home, Bonuses are always welcome. Strange thing, local operators of our relatives or friends seem to know better than us what they need, as if there is a shortcut to wishes we don’t know yet. Some of them offer data, others local […]

Why everybody wants to be Cuban this week & get the Biggest Cubacel Bonus in 2016

You have no idea how many people envy you this week for being a Cuban abroad! Not for the Jewel of the Nile in your safe :), your good-humor family or Latino spirit this time. But for the 60 CUC and 90 CUC bonuses that add up automatically to the mobile recharge amount you’ll send […]

How to save money when you send top up recharge online to mobiles in Africa or Latin America

No matter what popular culture may have to say about saving money, we all love it! The drive to get discounted prices is in our gene and not a trait of personality, nationality or social class. Let’s face it, we’re talking here about the drive to become more efficient, save resources, re-invest them, and that’s […]

3 great News for Cubans abroad

When was the last time you got three good news at a time? Can you remember the feeling? If you’re a Cuban away from mother Cuba or just curious what’s happening in the world, let’s see what 3 great news we’ve got. First, Cubans abroad have 1 DAY LEFT, February 26, to add a Cubacel Special Bonus […]

How to have fun and win on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is about being young at heart! Young means playful All through the media this week, you’ll find Valentine’s Day deals and wise pieces of advices. But hey, everyone, when did we stop being funny and less responsible about a day like Valentine’s Day. When did we start forgetting that the simple things are the […]

4 smart ways to send FREE Cubacel credit to Cuba in January

If you are Cuban, you may have heard “En mis tiempos…” Cubacel didn’t have any promotions. Well, maybe that’s why, “Doble Bono,” “Cubacel recargas” in general or “Cubacel triple saldo” in particular are so famous nowadays. The next promotion starting on January 25th (2016), offers 30 CUC as free Cubacel credit for international and national calls. […]

4 Mobile Top Up Promotions that can turn a Latino’s life into a Movie

Simple things turn life upside down, in a good way… just like in movies. And so does a simple mobile top up from country to country; it changes things in a 1 minute, literally speaking. So, let us unfold how a simple $5 international mobile top up can turn a Latino expat’s life in a […]

5 smashing offers for international top ups: domestic & international calls, plus social networking giveaways

  Motto: Small gifts that make a big difference! Why we say that top ups are “small gifts that make a big difference” is because we have in mind real people and real life stories. Great material for movie scripts if you were to ask us! There’s another reason for “small gifts,” and thus in […]

What you send is what they get. NO PROCESSING FEES on World Top Up Day!

You’re now part of it! :) So, welcome to one of the events that will one day make it in Wikipedia as the First World Top Up Day ever — November 10, 2015. Which is today! What’s music to our ears today is that NO PROCESSING FEES apply on any of the top ups on MobileRecharge.com sent […]

1st time in history, givers worldwide celebrate World Top Up Day

Motto: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” (Mahatma Gandhi) If you missed the launching of Apollo 11 and the first human steps on the MOON, don’t miss this day! If you are a giver by nature or context, don’t miss this day! World Top Up Day, […]