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How to make a long distance relationship work?
/0 Comments/in NewsThose involved in a long distance relationship go through a high and speedy roller coaster of challenges. To use this time in your benefit is the key!
How to top up a mobile in Mexico online from any part of the world
/0 Comments/in NewsSmart tips for Mexicans abroad who want to top up a mobile in Mexico online for their relatives or friends: Movistar, Telcel, At&T, Virginia or Unefon.
6 World Records on the 4th of July
/0 Comments/in NewsFrom athletic ambitions late in life, to the largest pizza delivery ever and most ambitious cinematic revival project, people found unexpected inspiration on 4th of July.
5 Cuba news headlines that made it to the front page these days
/0 Comments/in Cuba, News, Offers5 viral DAD videos that make us think back on our childhood
/0 Comments/in NewsHere are 5 viral dad movies that show us all how present dads impact the life of their kids and how much education has changed for the better.
6 things hard to get in Cuba, we could also live without
/0 Comments/in Cuba, News, OffersMany pity Cubans for stuff they are missing in Cuba, while Cubans abroad pity the rest of the world for stuff they lost control over. Here’s what’s missing in Cuba, but makes Cubans a favor somehow.
7 Epic immigration stories that reveal expats’ ups and downs
/0 Comments/in NewsWhere is home? How to adapt? Caught between countries, expats worldwide and their descendants experience strange and powerful feelings before, during and after immigration. Here are some video stories to tell you more.
10+ Photos of Cuba that show the diverse Cuban spirit
/0 Comments/in Cuba, News, OffersCuban diverse spirit is best visible in the portraits of Cuban people, rather than the poor news. So, we’re running a visual campaign for Cuban expats missing home, Cuba fans and all the curious interested in Cuba.
What do mothers want for Mother’s Day?
/0 Comments/in NewsWe expect a lot from moms as if they’re heroes, but when it comes to getting them something for Mother’s Day, we’re lost. Learn what they really want.
10 things people are curious to know about Cubans
/0 Comments/in Cuba, News, OffersWhat questions people ask on Google about Cubans. On the verge of the Cubacel PROMO next week, we took some time to make a list. You’ll be amazed!