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Best online Black Friday deals for Latinos and Moroccans abroad
/0 Comments/in News, OffersBlack Friday is a strange name for SALES. But if you look back in time, you’ll see that in the 1960s, it was a common school slang, meaning the Friday on which an examination was held. In shopping area, it made reference to the congested shops and busy shopping time. Talking about busy, here’s our list […]
What Cubans abroad need to stay safe and sound, besides Cubacel online recharges
/0 Comments/in Cuba, News, OffersWho would have imagined that life is much simpler in Cuba than the USA, Canada, UK, Australia or other parts of the world in some respects? Money may be missing, and can-variety in the stores too, but there are aspects that keep a Cuban safe and sound because they’re part of a healthy human culture […]
Mass Rewarding! Everyone gets something great on World Top Up Day 2018
/0 Comments/in News, Offers, World Top Up Day, World Top Up Day 2018The talk about expats has many hot points, but what many people don’t know about expats is that they are fabulous teammates, displaying an overdose of generosity for their families and friends back home. And that’s exactly what World Top Up Day 2018 celebrates on November 10, by dropping fees on international mobile top ups. […]
30 FREE mobile top ups. Warm up for World Top Up Day 2018
/1 Comment/in News, Offers, World Top Up Day, World Top Up Day 2018Mobile top ups are a big thing for expats, but also for travelers and those who want to avoid going to the store to get themselves some mobile credit. You can’t imagine what a great online community this is, even if numbers are not put together and borders make them strangers. If you’re one of […]
How to recharge a Cuba cell phone and get MORE than DOBLE BONO for it
/0 Comments/in Cuba, News, Offers, TutorialsAre you trying to grasp how to recharge a Cuba cell phone? Or are you a Cuban master of online recharges looking for some good deals for your folks in Cuba? No matter how you label yourself when you look in the mirror, we’re going to briefly take you through the fast process of 1 […]
5 Must knows for your next Orange Dominican Republic mobile recharge
/0 Comments/in News, TutorialsIf you were born in the Dominican Republic, but moved abroad or if you ever visited the country, loved it and made friends there, you’re surely interested in the latest news. Orange Dominican Republic is now Altice. So, if you keep in touch with relatives or friends and you recharge their Orange Dominican Republic mobiles or […]
How Ghanaians abroad send airtime to Ghana in seconds
/0 Comments/in News, TutorialsDid you know there are over 440 Ghanaians soccer players abroad and 4 million people in the world born in Ghana or of Ghanaian descent? You may know someone yourself, or your may be one of them. Then this article is for you. We’ve “met” some Ghanaians in Germany, USA, Canada, UK and other parts of […]
What Cuban smells can seduce us into recharging Cubacel phones. No kidding!
/0 Comments/in Cuba, News, OffersYes, it may sound a bit unfriendly to put together smells and top up of Cubacel phones. But there’s a chemistry of senses, memories, old emotions and present intentions behind that. If you’re a Cuban abroad you probably can already guess what we’re talking about by now. But before starting the conversation on what back-home […]
6 mind-expanding traits of Cuban people, that are less-obvious
/0 Comments/in Cuba, News, OffersYou don’t need to be Cuban to know Buena Vista Social Club, right? Well, the guys in the band and the lady singer, Omara Portuondo, are from Cuba, just like many famous world wide performers, inventors or researchers. For example, the first Latin American in space, Arnaldo Tamayo Mende, and many successful infant-medicine researchers. Today, at the […]
How to make a Claro recharge from any country and get 150% Latino satisfaction
/2 Comments/in News, TutorialsClaro is for Latinos as familiar as brie cheese for the French or Jackie Chan for the Chinese. For Latino expats living abroad Claro rings a bell. “Eso me suena” as they would say… If that’s your case too, we’ll take some lines to show you how a Claro recharge can help both you and your […]