How to get the Best Cubacel Bonus during a Cubacel Promotion

We all hunt deals. It’s human nature. :) Also, something we all have in common, no matter our heritage, age, or social background. But there are ways to grab the best deal in a pool of offers. The Cubacel promotion running on until September 16 is a good study case. As you may know, especially […]

What’s in for you this Heritage Month on Facebook no matter your ethnic origin

Did you ever wonder why is Heritage Month so popular with Latinos? Is it because they are really good at partying? Truth is, they talk more easily about their tradition and roots. And they are obviously proud of their Motherland, language, habits, humour, etc. Shouldn’t we all be that way, because we have all resources on our side? So, MobileRecharge team starts the Big Heritage […]

5 powerful things you finally have time for on Labor Day, as an Expat

Working in the USA feels sometimes like wearing an armour while jogging. But the sweet paradox is that on Labor Day, everyone in the USA celebrates the working spirit relaxing, including fans, most of them expats sending credit to their relatives. Many, though, are simply independent top uppers in their native motherland. Getting back […]

Top 10 Smartphones Expats Use in 2016

When you’re curious, start researching! We live in a sea of data, so the only thing left is to learn how to swim. So did we. We wanted to talk to our fans and customers about gadgets they favor, because we knew many are keen on technology. We looked into hundreds of thousands of expat […]

4 things that will make Cubans abroad happy: first American credit card for Cuba, Cuban Olympians, Cubacel Super Bono and last minute vacations

There is always good news in the world. Whether we’re talking about our family, our job, our country, our soul, we just need to look for it in the right place. Take Cuba, for example. There is much political and economic controversy. There’s also a lot to work to fill in the gaps for a democratic society. […]

How Summer Olympics 2016 in Rio will affect expats

Rio becomes a miniature world between August 5-21, 2016. This year, Summer Olympics in Rio brings together sportsmen from 206 countries. So just imagine what a melting pot of cultures and languages in the field, on the streets, in hotels. Just like expats, the representatives in the Rio Games are ambitious ambassadors of their own countries. Talking […]

How to keep your Pokemon Go running by adding data in seconds from MobileRecharge app

  The latest craze got us all to a certain extent, and that includes peeking into the app out of curiosity. Pokemon Go is officially the unstoppable force that mesmerised the smartphone planet, from hardcore and casual gamers to housewives, diligent workers, tired commuters and tech rookies. It’s a digital pandemic, I’m telling you. :) […]

11 Excellent Tips for Expats from other fellow expats

You’re probably here and now because you live abroad or plan to move to another country and you’re looking for tips for expats. Whatever the case, welcome! Because MobileRecharge team managed to collect some great tips for expats or exptas-to-be, shared by fans and friends living abroad. And this is only Episode #1.  First, we started our quest thinking… expats are sometimes […]

Tips for Cubans abroad. How to send more than Double Bonus to a Cubacel mobile in Cuba

Learn how to send more than Cubacel Double Bonus to your friends and family in Cuba. More specifically, 30 CUC, 60 CUC or 90 CUC free mobile credit.

How to top up a mobile in Nigeria online

Few seconds reading for all you need to top up a mobile in Nigeria in less than 1 minute online. Plus, you get insights from other expats using the service and some interesting data about the Nigerian diaspora.