
Best way to travel to Cuba from USA, Spain or Canada

Ideas to easily find the right route, price and flight duration to Cuba from USA, Spain or Canada, where many Cubans live.

The Latino Paradox & the craze to send DATA top ups to Latin America

Two hot Latino topics: the Latino Paradox explains why Latinos live longer than the rest, and why the craze to send DATA top ups to Latin America.

6 foreign movies about Cuba that will leave you breathless

A selection of foreign movies about Cuba that offer different perspectives, and have a wow casting like Javier Bardem, Johnny Depp, Patrick Swayze, Sean Connery, Andy Garcia, Harvey Keitel, etc.

Ordinary people from Cuba who made it to Talent shows

Expats from Cuba don’t settle for work and sleep. No way, Jose! It’s in their blood to show up when art’s calling them. Here are some in Talent shows.

6 things hard to get in Cuba, we could also live without

Many pity Cubans for stuff they are missing in Cuba, while Cubans abroad pity the rest of the world for stuff they lost control over. Here’s what’s missing in Cuba, but makes Cubans a favor somehow.

3 Challenges for YOU to celebrate Cubacel Online Bonus Campaign #100

Round numbers! We all love them! Age, bills, plates, cups, lists, waist size. Here’s one more for Cubans abroad: Cubacel online bonus #100. Ta-na! By the way, it applies on your top ups to Cuba starting Monday, March 18. So, Cubans and Cuba fans, the #100 Cubacel online PROMO asks for some celebration. We’ve got 1 free mobile top up […]

The Best top up to Cuba EVER: more than TRIPLE available now

Things went the extra mile in the past months for Cuba, to the surprise of Cubans abroad who never lose contact. Imperio, the Havana-based drag queen entertainer and activist sends “a blunt message to Donald Trump and the US government in an interview with The Independent: ‘Lift the embargo’. (The Independent) And Cubacel, the monopoly full telecommunications service provider […]

How to send Cubacel credit in seconds and include a BONUS

As a Cuban abroad, you have the same dilemmas as everyone else surfing the Internet universal store. Which to choose from the whirlpool of services, deals, best tips… Of course, your interests are more specific: work permit, Cubacel online top ups, Miami jobs, English technical terms, etc. But just like a puzzled cooking fan who […]

Why you shouldn’t miss this Cubacel recharge promotion

When a new Cubacel recharge promotion kicks in the Cuban expat community, it’s a bit exciting and a bit tiring at the same time, because we all need to figure it out how great it is. Should I invest? What’s the win? So, we make a longer story short today by uncovering the 4 strong […]

Up to 90 CUC Cubacel Bonus for Cubans during World Cup

Cuban soccer fans mostly choose to support Argentina and Brazil traditionally, based on their shared Latino roots. But lately, Germany and Spain, France and Holland as well. Most probably because of their recent great performance. And since World Cup is a big event for Latinos worldwide, it seems Cubacel also scores good Bonuses for their […]