Super tips for the BEST BONUS on your Cubacel online top up
Cubans living abroad, just like you, had plenty of worries last year when thinking back about their folks and friends in Cuba. New president Miguel Díaz-Canel following Mr. Castro within the same year, the energy crisis when Venezuela is no longer an ally, foreign investment missing in Cuba, the relationship with the USA that is no longer optimal under President Donald Trump. And to all the setback, we add the low economical life that strikes Cuban families and individuals. Few things stayed cool in 2018 and still do… The Cuban vibe and faith, the educational system and the support you get on your Cubacel online recharges for people back home. Isn’t that too little to be true? Never mind, let’s watch the news and contribute to activist initiatives!
Getting back to what’s working, we were saying that a NEW promo is running and it’s among the best of 2019 so far: Triple Bono Cubacel. The bonus applies for airtime Cubans abroad send back home to Cuba until February 2. And values reach as high 180 CUC for 60 CUC paid. That’s the maximum your Cuban parent’s or friend’s phone gets this week. Don’t miss it, who knows what comes next!
But let’s see how to stay tuned for the BEST BONUS in the long run.
#1 Get Cubacel online bonuses by EMAIL. Spam-free!
If you’re checking your email frequently or at least weekly, that’s the go!
Look for the button “Get offers” down the homepage or the online form on No contract involved. Just a click-check to get notifications about best bonuses out there for your Cubacel online top ups before the buzz. So that you have time to prepare: get the Cuban numbers down, make a plan, set up a budget, make some calculations. You get the drill! :)
No worries in 2019, at least not about these newsletters. The website or app cannot afford to send you spam notifications. Partly because 10 year of experience teaches you to be as fair as a fairy, and partly thanks to BBB certification that makes one comply with marketing ethics.

– MobileRecharge,com Email for the current Cubacel promotion –
So, count on us to send you only good vibes and good promos. Good promos are in translation offers that we can also engineer to your benefit. There are some tricks we found to split Cubacel online offers so that you send more than advertised on other platforms. Just saying. ;)
If you mist the pre-offer email, we’re going to send you another email the day the Cubacel online promo starts. If you missed that too, we’ll send you a reminder. And if you’re aways somewhere or have limited Internet access, we’ll make sure you find out what the best bonus is before the Promo ends. Hope it helps! Any feedback is welcome by the way!
#2 Activate your top up App notifications
You know MobileRecharge app is free to install on any Android or iOS device, right? Good. If you prefer using Spanish with your phone, you’ll install the Spanish app version automatically. ;)
Next step is to activate app notifications. We send those in advance, before the Cubacel online campaign is launched. So, you’ll have time to do your homework: budget, Cubacel numbers down on a list, you know best…
#3 Follow us on Facebook for all Cubacel online BONUSES explained
By hitting the Follow button (and See first), you get real-time access to all the Cubacel online bonuses in the teasing phase.
Not only can you see the details while checking your friends’ feed in the morning, but you can also check the reactions and talk around the ongoing Cubacel online offer. Just like talking to a friend before making a decision… And who to talk to about Cubacel online BONUSES than others interested in the same topic.
Otherwise it would be like talking tech with a friend interested in cooking. Or talking about diapers with a teenager interested in dancing and fashion. Wow! :))) We’ve all been there before. No thanks!
#4 Join the Facebook contest for an extra FREE TOP UP to Cuba
Zero costs for some extra Cubacel online credit.
Yes, you got it right! We give away a free top up to Cuba almost every month, prior to the official Cubacel offer. Call it a fun warm up for the Cubacel online top up community on MobileRecharge Facebook page. Why not? We like to talk and debate, get some funny or odd impressions out to light and get to know each other. You’re invited! But you need to Follow or Like the community page to get the news in your feed. But you probably know that already, dear Facebook expert! :)
#5 Instagram fan? Get the news in a pic!
Of course we’re present on Instagram. When words fail, images fill in. And we’re highly visual. Cubacel online BONUSES, especially the BEST ones like the current Triple Bonus to Cuba, get featured. Oh, besides that you’ve got fun and touchy facts about other ethnic groups in the community, expats just like you.
- You’re probably here because you’re one of the Cuban expats in the world. Many expats like you hunt the BEST BONUS on their Cubacel online top ups, which is totally OK as long as there are several options on the global market. To help save time wondering through all the options on the Internet, we put together some tips to stay in touch with the current offers and get the best out of them.
- There are small things you can do to stay tuned to Cubacel online promos and the best bonuses in time.
- If you make your Cubacel online top ups from MobileRecharge app, please activate your Notifications.
- If you check your email frequently, subscribe to get offers by email. The newsletter is spam-free and it’s useful whether you’re using the website or the app to make your Cubacel online recharges.
- Join the Facebook community to learn about the Cubacel online bonuses and all the talk around them before they even get official.
- Need a FREE top up to spice up the Cubacel bonus for your sake? Get the chance almost every month. Simply join the fun contests on Facebook page.
- Instagram fans get the news of the best bonus in their feed too. ;)
All these tips, recommendations and hints are useful! I almost agree with each of them!
Your tips for Mobile Recharge app is free to install on any Android or iOS device. We can get the best bonus on the Cubacel online top ups. Thanks for sharing such knowledgeable blog.